terça-feira, 8 de junho de 2021

The Olympic Games

 The olympic games of modern era was started on 1896, in Greece. Who created was the swiss Pierre de Frédy.

The Olympic Games are separated on 2 events: Winter Games and Summer Games.

The principal sports are: Athletics, Cycling, Fencing, Gymnastics and Swimming.

The 2021 Olympic Games will be on Tóquio. 

Most of 206 countries will participate.

The beginning will be in 23 July and the finish in 8 August.

The Olympic Games are important to the health of the people from different continents, like the creator of Olympic Games says: because "It´s not important to win, the important to compete. 

And it helps the economy of the countries too.

The country that won the biggest number of medals until today is the United States with: 2522 medals on Summer Games and 305 on Winter Games.

And the athlete that most won medals was the american Michael Phelps, he won 28 medals, with 23 gold medals, 3 silver medals and 2 bronze medals.

 Brazil occupates the 35th in numbers of medals.

The Olympic Games are one of the most important events of the world.

Written by Rebeca Alves