quarta-feira, 9 de junho de 2021

Exercícios de gramática

 1) Reescreva as frases da forma correta:
(Cada frase tem um erro gramatical!)
a) My teacher are a great person!
b) Does you speak Spanish and Italian?
c) Did she talked with you last night?
d) Sílvia and Sandra was in my house yesterday.
e) She don´t watch horror movies.
f) I will not travelled to Miami.
g) I love play piano and guitar.
h) He can to eat this delicious cake.
i) They are work with me here.
j) Do decide you about the event?

2) Classifique os verbos abaixo em regulares e irregulares:
(Faça uma tabela e coloque R para verbos regulares e I para verbos irregulares:)
believe - do - go - have - dance - cry - jump - pull - spend - save - comb - be - see - say - sleep - push - hit - hold - hurt - run - walk - talk - kiss - miss - sing - ring - call - love - hate - ride - eat - drink - need - remember - cut - put - dress - dream - jump - play - pray - understand - get - give - forget - forgive - teach - learn - hear - listen - speak - tell - travel - drive - brush - fix - lie - lay - study - swim - use - shoe - open - close - like - know - keep - punish - stand - stay - clean - wash - watch - write - read - pay - buy - bring - belong - grow - stop - light - fight - feel - move - change.

3) Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar as frases:
a) Will / help / me / ? / you / here
b) mother / Carla / are / and / cookies / her / doing
c) you / like / Do / drive / ? / to
d) loves / dogs / She / cats / and
e) know / I / to / ride / a / how / bike

4) Traduza as frases abaixo:
a) I should study more to my test.
b) He can drive my car because he has a licence driver.
c) You must water the plants everyday!
d) She may pass in the test if she studies a lot!
e) Do you believe in God?

5) Escreva o verbo oposto:
love -
open - 
move - 
pull - 
light - 
see - 
go - 
accept - 
unite - 

6) Complete as frases com um verbo:
a) I _______________ to the stars in the sky.
b) Do you __________________ English fluently?
c) My mother _________________ a beautiful cake!
d) I don´t _______________ cigarettes.
e) Did you _____________________ this movie?
f) I ________________ a new computer for me.
g) She _________________ to _______________ piano.
h) He ________________ all the windows!
i) I am ________________________ to my Math test.
j) I ______________________ on that pool yesterday.