terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2022

English Exercises:

1) Reescreva as frases abaixo no passado:
a) I have a new computer.
b) We are very good friends.
c) I understand your problems.
d) You do your exercise.
e) They write a new book.
f) She gives me her magazines.
g) He drives to Rio de Janeiro.
h) Suzana gets a new job.
i) Denise and her daughter eat in this restaurant.
j) My mother makes a party for me.

2) Passe as frases abaixo para a negativa:
a) I´m gonna be strong.
b) I wanna hold your hand.
c) I´ll travel on next weekend.
d) She combed my hair for me.
e) We fixed the car ourselves.
f) Sandra helps him a lot!
g) I´m going to study Spanish now!

3) Passe as frases para a interrogativa:
a) You like to speak English with me.
b) Tânia will cook a cake to the party.
c) Carlos´ brother spent all his money.
d) I win this new game.
e) Lucas and our family watched this movie.
f) I washed my car yesterday.

4) Complete as frases com um verbo que se encaixe:
a) He ______________ all the doors and the windows.
b) She _________________ a beautiful present!
c) I _________________ her new song.
d) Those boys _________________ the wall.
e) This girl ____________ in that old factory.
f) Helena ____________ in this club.
g) Can you _____________ the piano?
h) You must ____________ your parents.
i) You should ___________ a doctor.
j) I´m _______________ my new car.

5) Dê a tradução dos verbos frasais abaixo:
break up
fall out
eat up
bring out
fall down
look for
keep up
keep on
look out
face up
dress up
get up
go in
go out
get in
get out
run out
call for
call off
call up
break down
get together
sell out
do over
run away
make up
work out