quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2022

Modal Verbs Exercises:

 Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente cada uma das frases abaixo:

1) I did everything that I ______, but we lost the match.

  1. a) can
  2. b) can’t
  3. c) may
  4. d) could

2) You ______ take this job. It’s perfect for you!

  1. a) should
  2. b) can’t
  3. c) can
  4. d) shouldn’t

3) I wish I ______ buy this new car, but it’s only a distant dream.  

  1. a) might
  2. b) shall
  3. c) can
  4. d) could

4) If I had your number, I _____ call you tomorrow.

  1. a) can
  2. b) should
  3. c) would
  4. d) can’t

5) The show _______ go on.

  1. a) can
  2. b) shouldn’t
  3. c) could
  4. d) must

Escolha entre as palavras will e would e complete cada uma das frases abaixo:

6) I think she ___ leave Brazil one day.

7) If I could, I ______ help you, but unfortunately I have a lot of things to do.

8) I’m going. ______ you come with me?

Escolha a melhor alternativa para cada uma das perguntas abaixo:

9) Como você falaria com o seu amigo para pedir uma ajuda com o dever de casa?

  1. a)Could you help me with my homework?
  2. b)Can you help me with my homework?
  3. c)Should you help me with my homework?
  4. d)Would you help me with my homework?

10) Imagine que você está em sala de aula e precisa pedir para ir ao banheiro. Qual a melhor opção?

  1. a)Can I go to the toilet, please?
  2. b)Could I go to the toilet, please?
  3. c)May I go to the toilet, please?
  4. d)Would I go to the toilet, please?

11) Complete o texto abaixo com os modal verbs que melhor se encaixarem:

Yesterday I was walking in the streets and the day was really hot, so I decided to stop at a restaurant and drink a soda. When I was almost asking it I decided that I _______ take care of my health. I _____ drink this but it _______ be so unhealthy…

Then I tried to control myself and I said:

“_______ I get an orange juice, please?”

The guy answered me:

“Ok. ______ I put ice and sugar?”

Then I started to think like: “I like sugar, but it _______ be so unhealthy!” So I said:

“No, thanks.”

A few minutes later I got my orange juice. That sensation made me a winner! I said to myself:

“Congrats, you _____ do it!”

That story _______ be amazing if I hadn’t taken the soda. But ok, tomorrow _______ be different!

* From Yazigi Site!