sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2020


 1) Free Ritz wristwatch.
 Try saying Rits wristwatch 5 times fast!

2) Which Witch snitched the Snitch Witch? 
Or did the Snitch Witch the Witch?
 If the Snitch Witch snitched the Witch then which Witch did the Snitch Witch snitch?

3) Pete´s pa pete poked to the pea patch to pick a peck of peas for the poor pink pig in the pine hole pig-pen.

4) The knight said, "He´s, with niceties, some nights a tease or nice at ease on nice settees."

5) Old Mr. Hunt had a cuddy punt, not a cuddy punt but a hunt punt cuddy.

6) Slinking sliding, slithering slyly, swiftly slipping through the grasses shyly, silent but for swish and hiss, is the sinuous snake´s leglessness.

7) Certified certificates from certified certificate certifies, say it 3 times!

8) The final Fixing of the Foolish Fugitive. 
Feeling footloose, fancy-free and frisky, this feather-brained fellow finagled his fond father into forking over his fortune. 
Forthwith, he fled for foreign fields and frittered his farthings feasting fabulously with fair-weather friends.
 Finally, fleeced by those folly filled fellows and facing famine. He found himself a feed finger in a fifthy farm-lot. 
He fain would have filled his frame with foraged food from fodder fragments.
"Fooey! my father´s flunkies fare far fancier", the frazzled fugititve fumed feverishly, frankly facing fact.
Frustraded from failure and filled with forebodings, he fled for his family. Falling at his father´s feet, he floundered fornornly.
 "Father, I have flunked and fruitssly forfeited further family favors..."
But the faithfull father, forestalling further flinching, frantically flagged his flunkies to fetch forth the finest fatling and fix a feast.
But the fugitive´s fault finding frater, faithfully farming his father´s fields for free, frowned at this ficlke forgiveness of former falderal.
 His fury flashed, but fussing was futile.
His foresighted father figured, "Such filial fidelity is fine, but what forbids fervent festivities? 
The fugitive is found! 
Unfurt the flags! With fanfare flaring, let fun, frolic and frivolity flow freely, former failures forgotten and folly forsaken."
Forgiveness forms a firm foundation for future fortitude.

9) Through three cheese trees three fleas flew.
 While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew.
 Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. 
Freezy trees made these trees´cheese freeze. 
That´s what made these three free fleas sneeze.

10) If a Hottentot taught a Hottentot tot to talk ere the tot could totter, ought the Hottentot tot be taught to say ought or naught or what ought to be taught´er?

11) Bobby Bippy bought a bat. 
Bobby Bippy bought a ball.
With his bat Bob banged the ball, banged it bump against the wall, but so boldly Bobby banged it. 
That he burst his rubber ball. "Boo!" cried Bobby. 
Bad luck ball, bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball. 
Now to drown his many troubles, Bobby Bippy´s blowing bubbles.

12) Never trust, a sloopy crust, a squally gust, ships that rust, or girls with lust. 
But if you must, you may trust, to go bust, and back to dust, which serves you just.

13) A wooden worm wouldn´t be worthy of worship but would he if he wondered and worried about what he would be worthy of if he wasn´t wooden?

14) bitter biting bittern bit a better biting bittern. 
And the better biting bittern bit the bitter biting bittern back.
 Said the bitter biting bittern to the better biting bittern.
 "I´m a bitter biting bitten back!"

15) I´m not the fig plucker, nor the fig plucker´s son, but I´ll pluck your figs till the fig plucker comes.

16) One smart fellow, he felt smart. 
Two smart fellows, they felt smart.
Three smart fellows, they felt smart. 
Four smart fellows, they felt smart.
 Five smart fellows, they felt smart. 
Six smart fellows, they felt smart.

17) But a harder thing still to do. 
What a to do die today, at a quarter or two to two. 
A terrible difficult thing to say, but a harder thing still to do. 
The dragon will come at the beat of the drum.
 With a drum.
 At a quarter or two to two today, at a quarter or two to two.

18) Knife and a fork bottle and a cork that is the way you spell New York.
 Chicken in the car and the car can go, that is the way you spell Chicago.

19) As he gobbled the cakes on his plate, the greedy ape said as he ate, the greener green grapes are, the keener keen apes are to gobble green grape cakes, they´re great!

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