terça-feira, 23 de março de 2021


Tutancamon was born in 1341a.C in Aquetáton, city constructed by his father to be the capital of Egypt, wich is now known as Amarna.

His original name is Tutankhaten, that means "living image of Áton", but since the contemporary world knows about him he has been called "King Tut".

Tutancamon was a pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty during the period of the new kingdom. He was crowned in 1332 a.C with only 9 years, and his governance lasted until his death.

He died in 1323 a.C, in Tebas, with 19 years-old. Nobody knows the exactly reason of his death at a such young age, but recent studies of his genetic material shows that he had some congenital diseases caused by eras of incestuous relationships, to conserve the pure blood, and he was infected by malaria several times.

His tomb, KV62, was found in November 4th of 1992 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnavaron in the Valley of the Kings, west side of Luxor for the pharaohs' parameters his tomb is considerably small with only 110 m2, but it was fullfiled with indescribable objects, one of the reasons for its size was the quick death of tut. His sarcophagus is made of solid gold with the image of Tutancamon's face carved in it, and it is still inside of the tomb guarding his body due to the mummy's fragility.

Written by Lucas Trindade.

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