terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2021

Sponge Bob

 Bob Sponge for some reason made so much success! I didn't think that yellow ,happy ,square and jerk sponge would make so much sucess and make part of millions of children´s lives. But, if you ask: Who is it? (I think you know if you are reading this text)! It is a yellow sea sponge that has friends and a neighbour that hates everything and everyone and it is forced to work with Sponge.

Bob's best friend is Patrick the seastar. It is a pink seastar with a green short. It is stupid and kinda of different way!

Comic relief (if Sponge Bob wasn't enough), but sometimes it is just a terrible creature (star) like torturing Squidward to an ink that is very expensive and everyone likes it!

The cartoon writter wants you to think it is right, but sometimes it is just a doughbag.

Sponge Bob has a snail pet ,Its name is Gary (let's do not forget that it got tortured by Patrick once). If you ask: Where Sponge Bob gets money from? It works in a restaurant named Crusty Crab ,where it cooks hamburguers and Squidward...

It sells the hamburguers (It hates doing it) and Patrick just... I don't know,maybe ruins everything or nothing ,who knows what is behind the cameras.

Sponge Bob's boss is mr.Krabs who is obsessed by money (like an average captalist person,just,nothing to see here) and it is a crab,who has a whale daughter... (wait... Who wrote this?!) Ok, never mind! Well, its name is Pearl.

Sponge Bob has other friend... Its name is Sandy! A squirrel (It is a squirrel,who would say. right?) It seems an astronaut or... Something to breath underwater. 

It knows karate or something (I don´t know martial arts) and it llives in a bubble or something like that, in a treehouse inside it.

And did I say that Sponge Bob lives in a pineapple? Patrick in a hole in the sand and Squidward in a moai head. Mr Krabs in a luxuous mansion or a cool house! I don´t know how to explain that.

Crusty Crab has a rival. Its name is Chum Bucket or something... It sells... Something it is never revealed at least where I seen and its manager name is Plankton. It is a plankton and its assistant is a robot... Yeah, futuristic... And they all live in Bikini Bottom (underwater a beach).

I don´t know more to talk about... EPISODES! Episodes... There are a lot of cool one but for some reason the show became literal garbage after I don´t know 10th season maybe. But people still like of it.

Written by Attila Silva

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