segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2022



Embora o número de phrasal verbs seja praticamente ilimitado, apresentamos nesta seção uma lista detalhada dos phrasal verbs mais comuns da língua inglesa para lhe auxiliar na compreensão de cada um deles. Na primeira coluna, apresentamos o verbo em inglês. O sinal <-> entre duas palavras significa que estas palavras são intercambiáveis entre si. Sth é a abreviação utilizada para something (algo) e sb é a abreviação para somebody (alguém). Na segunda coluna, o significado em português. Na terceira, indicamos se o phrasal verb é separável ou inseparável, isto é, se é possível colocar o objeto entre o verbo e a partícula (partícula = pronome ou advérbio) ou não. Na quarta coluna apresentamos exemplo de uso no inglês.


Act up Comportar-se mal, não funcionar como deveria Inseparável The babysitter had a difficult time, the children acted up all evening.

Add sth<->up Somar, calcular Separável Add up all the money I owe you.

Ask around Fazer a mesma pergunta a várias pessoas Inseparável I asked around but nobody has seen my purse.

Ask sb out Convidar alguém para sair Separável He asked her out last night.

Blow up Explodir (bomba, etc.); estourar (tempestade, escândalo, crise, guerra, etc.); perder a paciência Inseparável There was a huge bang as the fuel tank blew up.

Blow sth<->up Demolir algo; encher (balão, pneu, etc.); ampliar (foto) Separável They threatened to blow the building up.

Break down Quebrar, parar de funcionar Inseparável Our car broke down on the road.

Break up Separar-se, terminar um relacionamento, uma parceria, etc. Inseparável They broke up four years ago.

Bring sb<->up Criar alguém Separável She brought six children up.

Call back

Call sb<->back Ligar novamente; retornar uma ligação Separável She said she'd call you back.

Call sth<->off Cancelar Separável He called the game off because of the bad weather.

Call sb<->up Telefonar Separável Call me up tomorrow morning.

not care for sb/sth Não gostar de alguém ou algo (formal) Inseparável I don't care for his friends.

Carry on with sth/

Carry sth<->on Continuar a fazer algo Separável Carry on with your work while I'm away.

Catch up with sb/

Catch sb<->up Alcançar alguém ou algo que está à frente Separável I'll catch up with you. / I'll catch you up.

Check in (at...) Registrar-se em um hotel, aeroporto, etc na chegada Inseparável We will get the hotel keys when we check in.

Check sth<->in Entregar algo (bagagem) Separável I watched the car leave and then went to check in my suitcases.

Check out (of...) Deixar um hotel, um hospital Inseparável Guests should check out of their rooms by noon.

Check sb/sth<->out Investigar Separável We'll have to check him out before we employ him.

Check out sb/sth Olhar Inseparável Check out the crazy hair on that girl!

Cheer up Animar-se Inseparável She cheered up when he got home.

Cheer sb/sth<->up Alegrar, animar alguém ou algo Separável I brought you some flowers to cheer you up.

Chip in Contribuir com dinheiro, "fazer uma vaquinha" Inseparável If everyone chips in we'll be able to buy her a nice present.

Clean sth<->up Organizar, limpar Separável Who's going to clean up this mess?

Come across sb/sth Encontrar por acaso alguém ou algo Inseparável Mary came across some old friends in a pub.

Come apart Separar-se, desfazer-se em pedaços, quebrar, desmoronar Inseparável The top and the bottom come apart if you pull hard enough.

Come down with sth Ficar doente Inseparável I think I'm coming down with flu.

Come off Sair, desaparecer Inseparável That mark on your dress won't come off.

Come out Publicar Inseparável Paul's book is coming out next week.

Come over/around/round (to) Dar uma passada em algum lugar Inseparável Jill came over last night and stayed for hours.

Count on sb/sth Contar com algo ou alguém Inseparável I'm counting on you to help me.

Cross sth<->out Riscar uma palavra Separável Please cross out your old address and write your new one.

Cut back on sth

Cut sth<->back Reduzir, diminuir, consumir menos Separável My doctor wants me to cut back on sweets.

Cut down on sth Reduzir, diminuir, consumir menos Inseparável The doctor told him to cut down on his smoking.

Cut sth<-> down Cortar, derrubar algo Separável They cut down a tree in front of my house.

Cut in on sb/sth Interromper Inseparável They kept cutting in on our conversation.

Cut in Começar a funcionar Inseparável The air conditioner cuts in when the temperature gets to 20º C.

Cut sb<->off Deserdar; cortar (linha telefônica) Separarável He cut his son off.

We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.

Cut sth<->off Remover Separável The doctors cut his leg off because it was severely injured.

Cut sth<->off Parar de fornecer; cortar (telefone, luz, água, etc.) Separável The phone company cut our phone off because we didn't pay the bill.

Do away with sth Desfazer-se de algo, abolir algo Inseparável It's time to do away all of these old boxes.

Do sb<->over Atacar e bater em alguém Separável They were done over by a gang of thugs.

Do sth<->over

(NAmE) Fazer novamente; consertar, renovar, reformar Separável My teacher wants me to do my homework over because it is not correct.

Do sth<->over

(BrE) Entrar em um local e roubar coisas de lá Separável His apartment was done over last week.

Do sth<->up Abotoar, fechar (roupas); embrulhar algo (pacote); reformar (casa) Separável Do your coat up before you go outside. It's too cold there.

Dress up Usar roupas melhores, mais formais Inseparável It's a fancy and expensive party so you have to dress up.

Drop back / behind Ir para uma posição atrás de alguém, ficar para trás Inseparável She dropped back to fourth place.

Drop by/ in / over / round Visitar alguém informalmente, aparecer semm avisar Inseparável My aunt dropped in while we were having dinner yesterday.

Drop in on sb Visitar alguém informalmente Inseparável I'll drop in on you when I'm close to your house.

Drop into sth Visitar algum lugar informalmente sem ter combinado Inseparável We dropped into a pub on the way.

Drop sb/sth<->off Deixar algo ou alguém em algum lugar Separável Will you drop the kids off on your way into town? / We dropped off our bags at the hotel and then went to explore the city.

Drop out (of sth) Desistir da escola, da faculdade, etc. Inseparável I dropped out of Law because I didn't like it.

Drop out (of sth) Não fazer mais parte de algo Inseparável A word that has dropped out of the language.

Eat out Fazer uma refeição em um restaurante Inseparável Do you feel like eating out tonight?

Eat up/Eat sth<->up Comer tudo Separável Come on. Eat up all your meal.

End up (as sth, doing sth) [+ -ing] Acabar sendo/fazendo algo Inseparável I ended up doing all the work myself.

End up (in ...) Ir parar em lugar ou situação na qual você não esperava ou tinha a intenção de estar Inseparável If you go on like this you’ll end up in prison.

Face up to sb / sth enfrentar alguém/algo Inseparável She had to face up to the fact that she would never walk again.

Fall apart Despedaçar-se Inseparável I'm going to buy another car because my old one is falling apart.

Fall apart Acabar um relacionamento, um negócio, uma parceria, etc Inseparável Their marriage finally fell apart. / The deal fell apart when we failed to agree on a price.

Fall behind (sb/sth) Ficar para trás, ficar atrás (de alguém/algo) Inseparável She soon fell behind the leaders.

Fall down Não ser comprovado ou bom o suficiente Inseparável And that's where the theory falls down.

Fall for sb Apaixonar-se por alguém Inseparável They fell for each other instantly.

Fall out Cair, perder (cabelo, dente) Inseparável His hair is falling out.

Fall over Cair Inseparável I'm afraid he might fall over again and hurt himself.

Fall over sb/sth Tropeçar em algo ou alguém Inseparável I rushed for the door and fell over the cat in the hallway.

Figure sth/sb<->out Descobrir, entender algo ou alguém Separável I could figure her out.

Fill sth<->in (BrE) Preencher algo (formulário, etc.) Separável Please fill the form in with your name and address.

Fill sth<->out

(NAmE) Preencher algo (formulário, etc.) Separável The form must be filled out in capital letters.

Fill up/

Fill sth<->up Encher Separável My father always fill the water jug up when it is empty.

Find out Descobrir; informar-se de algo, averiguar Inseparável The police are still trying to find out who is responsible for the crime. / Can you find out what time the meeting starts?

Finish sth<->off Terminar de fazer algo Separável I need about an hour to finish off this report.

Finish up Acabar com algo (comida, bebida); terminar algo; acabar em alguma

situação (BrE) Inseparável They finished up the show with one of their most famous songs. / If you are not careful, you could finish up seriously ill. / He could finish up dead.

Finish with sb Terminar um relacionamento com alguém Inseparável She finished with her boyfriend last week.

Follow sth<->up Investigar, acompanhar / complementar algo Separável The police are following up several leads after their TV appeal for information. / You should follow up your phone call with an email or a letter.

Get at Querer dizer, insinuar Inseparável What are you getting at?

Get at sb Criticar Inseparável He is always getting at me.

Get sth<->across Comunicar-se, fazer-se entender Separável I tried to get my ideas across to her but she didn't listen to me.

Get along/on (with sb) Dar-se bem com alguém Inseparável My wife and my mother get along/on very well.

Get around/round sb Persuadir Inseparável They know how to get around/round their boss.

Get around/round to sth Encontrar tempo para fazer algo Inseparável I hope to get around/round to calling you tomorrow.

Get away Sair de férias Inseparável We are getting away for a few days next week.

Get away (from...) Sair de algum lugar Inseparável I won't be able to get away from the office before 6.

Get away (from sb/...) Escapar de alguém ou de algum lugar Inseparável A prisoner got away from the jail this afternoon.

Get back Voltar, retornar Inseparável What time did you get back last night?

Get sth<->back Receber algo de volta Separável She has got her old job back.

Get back at sb Vingar-se Inseparável She got back at him because he lied to her.

Get back to sth Retornar a algo Inseparável Could we get back to the question of animals?

Get in Entrar (veículo, casa, etc.) Inseparável He got in the truck and drove off.

Get off Sair (do trabalho com permissão); descer (do carro, do ônibus, do trem, da bicicleta) Inseparável Could I get off work early tomorrow? / The bus stopped and three people got off it.

Get on with sth Usado para falar ou perguntar como alguém está progredindo ou se saindo em alguma situação específica; continuar, prosseguir fazendo algo Inseparável How are you getting on at work?

He's getting on very well at school.

Be quiet and get on with your work.

Get on / Get onto Entrar em algo (carro, ônibus, trem, etc.) Inseparável The bus stopped to let more people get on. / He got on his motorbike and rode away.

Get out (of sth) Sair de algum lugar; livrar-se de algo Inseparável Get out of my house now! / I wish I could get out of this meeting! I'm so busy.

Get over sth Superar (problemas) Inseparável She can't get over her shyness.

Get over sth/sb Recuperar-se de uma doença, perda, dificuldade, término de relacionamento, etc Inseparável Finally he has got the divorce.

Get through (to sb) Fazer contato por telefone Inseparável I'm trying to get through but her line is always busy.

Get together (with sb) Encontrar-se com alguém por motivos sociais ou para discutir algo Inseparável Manager is going to get together with his employees.

Get up / Get sb up Levantar-se da cama, acordar-se ou acordar alguém Inseparável I usually get up at 6.30.

Get up Levantar-se Inseparável The class got up when the teacher came in.

Get yourself/sb up as sth Vestir-se ou vestir alguém como outra pessoa Inseparável She was got up as Japanese woman.

Get sth<->up Organizar Separável We are getting up a party for her birthday.

Get up to sth Chegar a um ponto específico Inseparável I got up to the page 84 of the book.

Give sb away Levar a noiva ao altar Separável My father gave me away at my wedding.

Give sb/sth<-> away Revelar algo secreto ou alguma informação secreta sobre alguém Separável My little sister gave the surprise party away by accident.

Give sth<->away Dar algo como presente Separável The library was giving away old books on Saturday.

Give sth<->back (to sb) Devolver algo ao proprietário Separável Could you give me my pen back?

Give in (to sb/sth) Concordar em fazer algo que você não quer Inseparável My boyfriend didn't want to go to the movies, but he finally gave in.

Give out Chegar ao fim Inseparável Her patience finally gave out.

Give sth<->out Distribuir algo Separável They were giving out free perfume samples at the department store.

Give up Desistir Inseparável She doesn't give up easily.

Give sth<->up Parar com alguma atividade, largar um vício, um hábito, etc. Separável She didn't give up work when she had the baby. / You should give up smoking.

Go after sb Seguir Inseparável He went after her after she left the room.

Go after sb/sth Tentar alcançar algo ou alguém Inseparável We are both going after the same job.

Go against sb/sth Resistir, opor-se a algo ou alguém Inseparável He always goes against his parents' way of thinking.

Go ahead Ir na frente de outras pessoas e chegar antes delas Inseparável I'll go ahead and tell them you are on the way.

Go ahead (with sth) Começar a fazer algo Inseparável Please go ahead and eat before the food gets cold.

Go away Partir, ir embora; ir viajar Inseparável Go away and think about it, then let me know. / I'm going away on business.

Go back (to ...) Retornar a algum lugar Inseparável She doesn't want to go back to her husband (= to live with him again).

Go back to sth Voltar a falar sobre algo que aconteceu ou foi dito anteriormente. Inseparável Can I go back to what you said at the beginning of the meeting?

Go for sb/sth Ser válido para alguém/algo; achar atraente, gostar de alguém ou algo Inseparável What I said about Jane goes for you, too. / I don't really go for modern art.

Go in Entrar em algum lugar Inseparável Let's go in, it's getting cold.

Go off Disparar (arma); explodir (bomba); disparar (alarme); apagar-se (luz, eletricidade) Inseparável The bomb went off in a crowded street. / Everybody had to leave the building when the fire alarm went off.

Go off Estragar (alimentos) Inseparável Put the food in the fridge, otherwise it will go off.

Go on Acontecer, suceder, continuar (uma situação, a vida, o tempo, etc) Inseparável What was going on there? / They can't go on like this - they seem to be always arguing.

Go out Sair para ir a uma festa, restaurante, eventos sociais, etc.; apagar-se (luzes, fogo) Inseparável We are going out for dinner tonight. / There was a power cut and the lights went out.

Go out with sb/together Namorar, sair com alguém Inseparável Damon has been going out with Karen for seven months.

Go over sth Examinar, checar, revisar algo cuidadosamente Inseparável Go over your essay before you hand it in.

Go through sth Atravessar, passar por alguma situação, experiência, etc. Inseparável Our company has gone through a financial crisis.

Go together/with sth Combinar Inseparável Does this jacket go with blouse?

Go without sth Passar sem algo Inseparável How long can a human being go without sleep?

Grow apart Deixar de ter uma relação próxima com alguém por um certo período Inseparável My best friend and I grew apart after we entered at college.

Grow back Crescer novamente Inseparável My daysies grew back this summer.

Grow up Crescer (pessoa), parar de ter um comportamento infantil, desenvolver algo gradualmente Inseparável They grew up in Ohio. / Why don't you grow up? / A closeness grew up between the two girls.

Hand sth<->back Devolver Separável I handed the book back to her.

Hand sth<->down (to sb) Dar ou deixar algo para alguém que é mais novo Separável I handed my old comick books down to my little cousin.

Hand sth<->in (to sb) Dar, entregar algo a alguém Separável You must all hand your assignments in by the end of next week.

Hand sth<->out Distribuir algo para um grupo de pessoas Separável Could you hand these books out, please?

Hang in Persistir, ser positivo Inseparável Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find an apartment very soon.

Hang on Esperar por pouco tempo, parar algo que se está fazendo, segurar firmemente Inseparável Hang on a minute. I'll be right back. / Hang on tight!

Hang out Passar bastante tempo em algum lugar ou com algumas pessoas Inseparável Their children hang out at the mall. /   I don't really know who she hangs out with him.

Hang up Desligar o telefone Inseparável I said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Have sth on / have got sth on Vestir, usar Separável She didn't have any lipstick on, which was unusual. / I had on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

Hold sb/sth<->back Conter algo ou alguém Separável The police were unable to hold back the crowd.

Hold sth<->back Esconder algo de alguém, esconder um sentimento Separável He held his tears back at his father's funeral.

Hold on Aguardar por pouco tempo, parar algo que se está fazendo Inseparável Hold on a minute. I'll be right back.

Hold on! This isn't the right street.

Hold onto sb/sth Segurar firmemente Inseparável Hold onto your hat because it's too windy outside.

Hold sb/sth<->up Atrasar, bloquear alguém ou algo; usar alguém ou algo como exemplo Separável An accident is holding up traffic.

She's always holding up her children as models of good behavior

Hold up sth Assaltar um banco, uma loja, etc. Inseparável A man in a black coat held up the bank this morning.

Hurry up (with sth) Apressar-se Inseparável Hurry up with the pen. I need it.

Join in (sth/doing sth)

Join in (with sb/sth) Tomar parte, participar Inseparável She listens but she never joins in.

Keep on Continuar Inseparável I can't keep on doing the same thing every day.

Keep sth from sb Não falar algo para alguém Separável We kept our relation from our parents for one year.

Keep up (with sb/sth)

Keep sth<->up Manter-se no mesmo nível; manter o padrão de algo, continuar a fazer algo Separável If you keep those results up you will get into a great college.

Leave sb/sth out Não incluir ou mencionar algo ou alguém, deixar algo ou alguém de fora Separável Can you check the guest list for me? I don't want to leave anyone out.

She left out the 'm' in his name.

Let sb<->down Decepcionar alguém Separável He won't let you down.

Log in/on Iniciar a sessão (informática) Inseparável You need a password to log on.

Log off/out Encerrar a sessão (informática) Inseparável Don't forget to log off when you've finished using the computer.

Look after yourself/sb/sth Cuidar de si mesmo, de alguém ou de algo Inseparável Can you look after my baby while I go to the corner store? / Don't worry about me - I can look after myself.

Look down on sb/sth Desprezar algo ou alguém Inseparável She looks down on people who haven't been to college.

Look forward to sth Estar ansioso por algo que está para acontecer Inseparável I'm looking forward to the next costume party.

Look into sth Examinar, investigar Inseparável The police looked into the disturbance.

Look out for sb/sth Ter cuidado com alguém ou algo Inseparável Look out! There's a car coming.

Look sth<->over Checar algo Separável We looked the house over once again before we decided we would rent it.

Look sth<->up Procurar algo (num dicionário, livro, etc.) Separável I looked the word up in the dictionary but I couldn't find it.

Look up to sb Admirar, respeitar alguém Inseparável My husband has always looked up to me.

Look through sth Examinar, ler algo rapidamente Inseparável She looked through her notes before the exam.

Make up /

Make yourself/sb<->up Maquilar-se, maquilar alguém Separável She went to the bathroom to make her face up.

Make sth<->up Criar (música, história, etc.); inventar (história, desculpa); mentir algo Separável Richard was late for class so he made up an excuse.

Make up (with sb) Fazer as pazes Inseparável Why don't you make up with me?

Mess around

Mess about (BrE) Vadiar, ficar à toa, ficar sem fazer nada Inseparável Will you stop messing around and get on with some work? / We spent the day messing around on the river.

Mix sb/sth up Confundir algo ou alguém Inseparável I think you must be mixing up with someone else.

Move in/Move into sth Mudar-se para nova casa ou apartamento Inseparável Our neighbors moved in yesterday.

Own up (to sth) Admitir, confessar Inseparável Don't be afraid to own up yor mistakes.

Pack up/Pack sth<->up Guardar suas coisas Separável We arrived just as the musicians were packing up their instruments.

Pass away Falecer Inseparável My grandfather passed away last year.

Pass out Desmaiar Inseparável It was so hot in the church that an elderly lady passed out.

Pass sth<->up Recusar (geralmente algo muito bom) Separável I pased the job up because I don't like changes.

Pay sb back Devolver o dinheiro emprestado Separável I'll pay you back next week.

Pick sb/sth<->out Escolher algo ou alguém Separável She was picked out from dozens of applicants for the job. / I picked three skirts out for you to try on.

Pick sb/sth<->up Pegar, apanhar, buscar alguém (com carro) Separável I'll pick you up at the airport at five.

Point sb/sth<->out (to sb) Apontar para algo ou alguém Separável I'll point him out to you next time he comes in.

Point out (to sb) / Point sth<->out (to sb) Apontar, chamar atenção de algo para alguém Separável He pointed out the dangers of driving at night.

Put sth<->away Guardar algo Separável To her surprise, she found that all the dishes had been washed and put away.

Put sb<->down Humilhar, depreciar alguém Separável The students put the substitute teacher down because his pants were too short.

Put sth<->down Largar, soltar algo, colocar algo no chão Separável You can put the fruits down on the table.

Put sb<->off Adiar/Cancelar um encontro com alguém; perturbar, distrair, desconcentrar alguém; fazer alguém perder a vontade (de algo/de fazer algo) Separável It's too late to put them off now. / Don't put me off when I'm trying to concentrate. / Don't tell Lisa how hard the course is - you'll put her off!

Put sth<->off Adiar Separável He keeps putting off going to the dentist.

Put sth<->on Vestir, colocar algo; ganhar peso Separável Put your coat on! / He must have put on several kilos.

Put sb<->out Causar inconveniência, aborrecer, ofender alguém Separável We hope our arriving late didn't put her out.

Put sth<->out Tirar algo, colocar fora Separável Put the garbage out, please.

Put sth<->out Apagar (vela, cigarro, fogo, etc.) Separável Firemen soon put the fire out.

Put sth<->together Preparar, montar algo (refeição, trabalho, aparelho, etc.) Separável I have to put the crib together before the baby arrives.

Put up with sb/sth Tolerar, aguentar algo ou alguém Inseparável I don't know how she puts up with him.

Run across sb/sth Encontrar algo ou alguém por acaso Inseparável I ran across my best friend from school in the street.

Run away from sb/sth Deixar alguém ou algum lugar inesperadamente, fugir de algo ou alguém Inseparável He ran away from home without saying anything.

Run into sb/sth Topar, bater, atropelar algo ou alguém Inseparável The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people.

Run sth into sb/sth Bater (veículo) em algo ou alguém Separável He ran his car into a tree last Saturday.

Run out Vencer, expirar, acabar, esgotar-se Inseparável Time is running out for the trapped miners.

Run out (of sth) Terminar, acabar Inseparável We ran out of shampoo, so I had to wash my hair with soap.

Run sb/sth<->over Atropelar algo ou alguém Separável Two children were ran over in this street yesterday.

Run over sth Revisar Inseparável She ran over her text before handing it to her teacher.

Sell out (of sth) Esgotar-se (entradas, ingressos, etc) Inseparável The tickets sold out within hours. / I'm sorry, We've sold out of bread.

Send for Mandar buscar, chamar, mandar chamar Inseparável Send for a doctor, quickly!

Set off Partir (em viagem) Inseparável At what time do we set off tomorrow? The earlier, the better.

Set sb<->up Enganar alguém, armar uma cilada Separável The police set up the car thief by using a hidden camera.

Set sth<->up Montar, construir, colocar algo, combinar algo Separável Our boss set a meeting up with the president of the company.  / The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city.

Settle down Acalmar-se Inseparável What Liz really wanted was to get married and settle down.

Shop around Comparar a qualidade e/ou os preços Inseparável I want to shop around a little before buying my new car.

Show off Exibir-se Inseparável He is showing off because the girl he likes is here.

Show sb/sth<->off Mostrar, exibir algo ou alguém pelo qual se tem orgulho Separável She likes to show off how well she speaks French.

Show up Aparecer, chegar a algum lugar. Inseparável She finally showed up.

Show sb<->up Envergonhar alguém Separável He showed me up by snoring during the concert.

Sit down Sentar Inseparável He sat down on the bed.

Sleep over Dormir uma noite na casa de alguém Inseparável Can I sleep over at my friend's house?

Sort sth<->out Organizar, resolver um problema Separável We have sorted out our problems and everything is fine now.

Speak up Falar mais alto Inseparável Speak up! I can't hear a word you are saying!

Stand back Afastar-se, recuar Inseparável The police ordered the crowd to stand back.

Stay up Ficar acordado Inseparável I stayed up late yesterday.

Stick to sth Continuar a fazer algo Inseparável She finds it's impossible to stick to a diet.

Sum up/Sum sth<->up Resumir Separável Can I just sum up what we've agreed so far?

Switch sth<->off Desligar, apagar algo Separável Please switch the lights off as you leave.

Switch sth<->on Ligar, acender algo Separável We heard the news as soon as we switched on the car radio.

Take after sb Parecer-se ou comportar-se com algum membro mais velho da família Inseparável I take after my mother. We are both impatient.

Take sth<->apart Desmontar algo Separável He took the car brakes apart and found the problem.

Take sth<->back Devolver algo (em alguma loja), retirar algo que se disse Separável I have to take our new TV back because it doesn't work. / OK, I take it all back.

Take off Decolar Inseparável The plane took off two hours later.

Take sth<->off Tirar algo (peça de roupa, sapato, joias, etc.) Separável Come in and take your shoes off.

Take sb<->out Levar alguém para sair Separável My grandparents took us out for dinner and a movie.

Take sth<->out Tirar algo Separável Can you take the garbage out for me?

Take sth<->over Assumir o controle de algo, tomar conta de algo Separável A Swedish firm took over the company last year.

Take sth<->up Aprender ou começar a fazer algo Separável She took up languages and now she speaks Chinese quite well.

Take up sth Ocupar algo (espaço, tempo) Inseparável Looking for a place to live has been taking up all my time recently.

Talk sb into/out Converncer alguém, persuadir Separável I didn't want to move abroad but my husband talked me into it.

Tear sth<->up Destruir algo rasgando em pedaços Separável She tored up all the letter he had sent her.

Tell sb<->off Dar bronca em alguém Separável The manager tells you off if you arrive late.

Think back (to sth) Pensar em algo que aconteceu no passado Inseparável I keep thinking back to day I met him.

Think sth<->over Refletir sobre algo, considerar algo Separável I'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision.

Throw sth<->away Jogar algo fora Separável We threw away our old furniture when we won the lottery.

Turn sb/sth<->down Rejeitar/Recusar algo ou alguém Separável Why did she turn down your invitation?

Turn sth<->down Abaixar algo (volume), diminuir (luz, calor) Separável Please turn the volume down.

Turn into Tornar-se Inseparável She wasn't a pretty child but she turned into a beautiful woman.

Turn sth<->off Apagar algo (luz), fechar algo (torneira), desligar algo (TV, motor) Separável Please turn the television off before you go to bed.

Turn sth<->on Acender (luz), abrir (torneira), ligar (TV, motor) Separável I'll turn on the heating.

Turn over /

Turn sb/sth<->over Virar, virar-se, virar alguém ou algo Separável He turned over and went back to sleep.

Turn up Chegar, aparecer Inseparável Our dog turned up after we put posters up all over the neighbourhood.

Turn sth<->up Aumentar (volume, luz, etc.) Separável Could you turn the TV up?

Try sth<->on Experimentar algo (roupas, sapatos, etc.) Separável Try the shoes on before you by them.

Try sb/sth<->out Testar ou usar algo ou alguém Separável They are trying a new presenter out for the show.

Use sth<->up Acabar algo Separável Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.

Wait up for sb Esperar acordado por alguém Inseparável I'll wait up for you.

Wake up Ficar mais atento e interessado Inseparável Wake up and listen!

Wake up to sth Dar-se conta de algo Inseparável He hasn't yet woken up to the seriouness of the situation.

Warm up Fazer o aquecimento (esporte), esquentar (motor) Inseparável I always warm up by doing situps before I go for a run.

Warm sb/sth<->up Ficar mais entusiasmado, fazer algo ou alguém ficar mais animado Separável The party soon warmed up

Warm sth<->up Esquentar algo (comida) Separável You have to warm the rice up.

Wear off Desaparecer, passar Inseparável The effects of the drug will soon wear off.

Wear out / wear sth<->out Desgastar Separável They are trying to design tyres that do not wear out. / He wore out two pairs of boots during one winter.

Wear sb/yourself<->out Esgotar-se, esgotar alguém Separável The kids have worn me out.

Work out Dar certo, exercitar-se Inseparável I work out regularly to keep fit. / Things have worked out quite well for us.

Work sth<->out Calcular; resolver um problema, descobrir a resposta de algo. Separável He worked out the answer. / They will work out the problem. / I couldn't work out where the music was coming from.

Write sth<->down Anotar algo Separável Work on your own and write down the answers to these questions.

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