terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2020



1-Indica o futuro.

2-Vem sempre antes do verbo principal.

3-Não se usa o auxiliar TO DO nas formas negativa e interrogativa com WILL.

4-O WILL encontra-se no tempo FUTURO DO PRESENTE.

5-Na forma negativa usa-se WON´T.



1-Passe as frases para a forma negativa:

a) I will be a big star.

b) You will marry with me.

c) She will work in my factory.

d) They will see his girlfriend.

e) Sara will make my homework.

f) Jack will live in this city.

g) Anna and her father will go to the hospital.

h) My secretary will work Mondays and Saturdays.

i) I´ll stay in my house tonight.

j) You´ll buy your new computer today.


2-Passe as frases para a forma interrogativa:

a) Julie will drive my old car.

b) My sister will buy this magazine.

c) Her grandfather will travel with me.

d) Ricardo will pay my dress for me.

e) Your son will eat that orange.

f) Laura will make her test tomorrow.

g) I´ll study to my prove today.

h)You´ll play guitar in this band.

i) She´ll need of help to this job.

j) We´ll watch this film on TV.



a) Quando é que usamos WILL?

b) Qual o tempo verbal que ele se encontra?

c) Como ele deve ser escrito na forma negativa?


4-Escreva 5 frases na negativa e 5 na interrogativa:

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